Like eco-driving, but for properties.

Traditional control and regulation products find it difficult to make different systems collaborate. This results in properties stepping on the gas and breaking either unnecessarily or even at the same time. With Ecopilot® we have increased the average energy saving for our customers by 22% (heating), 28% (cooling) and 13% (electricity). We do this only by utilising existing resources.

The building is analysed

Every building is unique and has its own characteristics. This is our starting point. Therefore we always commence by analysing these parameters:

• The building’s capacity to store energy.
• Existing solutions for ventilation, heating and cooling.
• Confirm the optimum range for comfort.
• Analyse the building’s historical energy usage. For new developments, we assess the estimated energy consumption.

Energy optimisation is conducted

In order to conduct energy optimisation of the building we take into account:
• The building’s thermal storage capacity (light building/heavy building/equipment).
• Utilisation of internal loads (people/computers/lighting).
• Impact of future weather (solar incident radiation/outdoor temperature/wind impact).
• Impact dependent on energy price (spot price of electricity/district heating/power rate).

The information is co-aligned

All information, from basic analysis to energy meter, local weather forecast, spot prices of electricity and values from wireless sensors, is collected and processed in real time in the main unit of Ecopilot®. The existing automation system is then over-modulated with modern technology. Reference values move temperature, pressure and flows in the building’s ventilation, heating and cooling systems. Future weather data is also taken into account.

Do not step on the gas and break at the same time

Ecopilot® over-modulates the existing automation system and in this way we avoid stepping on the gas
and breaking at the same time. This is a common problem of traditional control and regulation systems.
You not only save energy, you also avoid large temperature differences and attain a more even and pleasant indoor climate.

Ecopilot® is the brain

Ecopilot® simplifies the building’s existing HVAC systems and makes control and monitoring systems more accessible. The main unit is installed in your building. Ecopilot® provides a web interface which gives an overview of the property, regardless of the users location.

Smart analysis tool

We have incorporated a user friendly analysis tool in the main unit’s interface in order to visualise Ecopilot´s effects and highlight further cost saving initiatives. It will give you a total overview of the energy and indoor climate as well as full control of the building. For example, you can see whether the week’s energy consumption has been normal, whether the energy targets will be attained and whether the tenants have the correct temperature.

Experience and research

Ecopilot® is the result of our long-standing experience of property automation in Sweden. It is also based on research from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The research report “Effekt- och energibesparing genom förenklad styrning och drift av installationssystem i byggnader” (Power and energy savings through simplified control and operation of installation systems in buildings) comprises the theoretical background. Ecopilot® is the practical application. Our impressive client list includes 15 of the 25 largest property owners in Sweden. Access our customers’ results with Ecopilot here.