Ecopilot® Analysis will give you the answers.
With Ecopilot's Analysis tool, system improvements can be easily identified to further reduce waste and cost, helping you to meet your financial and environmental targets. The online dashboard provides a total overview of your energy consumption and indoor climate, while making full control of the building in real time easier.
Smart analysis tool
We have incorporated a user friendly analysis tool in the main unit’s interface in order to visualise Ecopilots effects and highlight further cost saving initiatives. We refer to it as Ecopilot® Analysis. This tool will allow you to have full control of the indoor climate as well as full control of the building. For example, you can see whether the week’s energy consumption has been normal, whether the energy targets will be attained and whether the tenants have the correct temperature.
The building’s condition in real time
The real time analysis which you obtain will give you the answers on the building’s performance under different conditions. You will also be able to see the effects of the sun, wind and outdoor temperature. This data will then be used to optimise the operation.
Energy saving measures
You can also use Ecopilot® Analysis to identify which energy saving measures can be taken in the property. It may involve locating imbalances in the heating and ventilation systems, thermal bridges, leakages in the climate shell or windows which need to be sealed. A prioritisation plan based on the measures’ profitability is normally developed for implementation of the measures.
See the hot and cold zones
When you choose Ecopilot® Analysis, you will get access to a dynamic temperature map. There you can see the temperature in real time in all climate zones of the property in a clear graphical format. In this manner you will quickly get a grasp of the property’s hot and cold zones. It will provide both a quality assured indoor climate and good analysis opportunities of the property’s energy consumption.